信托基金了解城市面临的独特风险,并定期开发新的覆盖范围,以满足不断变化的需求. 信托基金的工作人员具有解决所有保险问题和关切所需的专业知识, giving busy city staff one less thing to worry about. 以下变更适用于11月11日或之后续保的财产/意外保险. 15, 2022, and workers’ compensation coverage renewing on or after Jan. 1, 2023.


Cyber war exclusion

信托基金的第一方网络覆盖包括对由战争造成或归因于战争的损害的排除. 排除范围将扩大到明确指出由外国或代表外国使用计算机系统进行破坏, 操作, or destroy information in a computer system in another sovereign state. 它还将阐明确定网络攻击如何以及何时归咎于外国的指导方针.

First-party cyber coverage clarifications

The following clarifications will be made to the first-party cyber coverage.

  • 如果心怀不满的员工将病毒下载到成员的网络中,或获取和分发该成员拥有的敏感数据,则第一方网络覆盖将适用. 结合, 将在忠实履约保函承保范围内作出澄清,以协调适用于这种情况的承保范围.
  • Explanatory language will be added that defines a “relief association.”
  • “计算机设备”的定义将特指成员拥有或租用的计算机设备.
  • The “occurrence” date may include the date of a suspected cyber event.

Liability coverage

First responder psychologist exception to professional medical exclusion

责任保险不包括由牙医等几种专业人员提供的服务所引起的损害, 医生, 药剂师, and psychologists. 如果心理学家在紧急医疗技术人员的能力范围内工作,则专业心理学家服务例外, 护理人员, or first responder.

Wildfire aggregate limit for liability claims


财产 coverage

Co-pay for cosmetic damage to metal roofing

30%的共同支付现在将适用于金属屋顶的损坏,这只是表面上的. (改变结构屋顶的物理外观,但不会造成损坏,使水可以通过结构的外部渗透, 导致结构的外部在很长一段时间内无法发挥其预期的功能, or otherwise impair the structure’s functionality.)

Asbestos cleanup, 减轻, and removal

The property coverage provides a special coverage grant for asbestos cleanup, 减轻, and removal under a narrow set of conditions. It is subject to a $250,000 per location limit. The asbestos must be released accidentally and begin and end within 3 days, must not be the result of a planned renovation or demolition activity, and the expenses must be incurred within 90 days of release. 承保范围将予以澄清,以说明属于火灾损失的一部分的拆除活动, 风暴, 等. — do not preclude coverage for the asbestos cleanup coverage; and 2) the 90-day window to incur costs can be extended with approval from claims staff.

Workers’ compensation coverage

Workers’ compensation clarifications

The following clarifications will be made to the workers’ compensation coverage:

  • Defense for claims alleging a member discharged, 强迫, 违反劳动赔偿法对职工进行其他形式的歧视的,将从工伤保险转移到综合责任保险.
  • “执行干事”一词将改为“选举或任命的干事”.”
  • 将特别声明,成员的破产或资不抵债不会解除信托在承保协议下的义务.

Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Comp Act (LHWCA) exposure

虽然信托基金的理解是,从事码头工作的市政雇员有资格根据州工人赔偿法获得福利,而不是根据LHWCA, 信托的覆盖范围是明确的,以便在受伤的员工试图根据LHWCA主张资格的情况下为成员提供辩护.

Optional coverages

Equipment breakdown coverage: automatic coverage for solar generators

For members that purchase equipment breakdown coverage, coverage will automatically apply for equipment breakdown to solar generators, subject to a $100,000 per occurrence sublimit. Equipment breakdown coverage previously excluded solar generators.

Excess liability coverage

Due to a requirement from the Trust’s excess liability reinsurer, there will be two new exclusions in the excess liability coverage. 第一种是针对数据安全漏洞索赔或任何其他因未经授权的侵入性代码或编程而引起的损害索赔, such as computer viruses or hacking. 这种排除不会影响系统安全漏洞索赔的主要责任范围限制, 哪项有每次200万元的限额及合计300万元的限额. 第二种是由全氟和多氟物质(PFAS)引起或与之相关的索赔,这些物质广泛用于商业和工业应用,包括金属电镀, 地毯, waterproof clothing, 室内装潢, food paper wrappings, 炊具, 化妆品, and firefighting foam. 在信托的主要责任承保范围中,没有特别提到PFAS的排除, 但是,在初级保险中存在着广泛的污染排除条款,这通常排除了对这类索赔的保险.

Optional no fault sewer backup and water main break coverage

无故障下水道备份和水管断裂保险是一种可选的保险,用于补偿业主因下水道备份或水管断裂而产生的清理费用和损害, irrespective of whether the incident was caused by city negligence.

无故障下水道备用索赔的每次事故限额将从200万美元增加到100万美元, 每次发生的水管破裂造成的无故障下水道备份的上限将从200万美元提高到100万美元, 无故障下水道备份和水管断裂索赔的总限额将从300万美元增加到200万美元.

Other changes include:

  • 对由未经授权的侵入性代码或程序直接或间接引起的索赔的排除, such as computer viruses or hacking.
  • 澄清:本保险不包括因管道堵塞或状况造成的损失, 行, or infrastructure to which a member’s sewer system feeds.